Thursday, 23 February 2012

Pure Insomnia :)

Heya Yogi's.
Hope you all have been enjoying the absolutely fabulous weather we've been having... +7 yesterday!!.lovin it!!..if only winter could always be like that..
 So I won't make this to long, but just want to give all you a little update to all the craziness thats been happening.
As per my last post, all of our landlord B.S is over and we are full force ahead.. The last couple of weeks have been just as anticipated..Busy as... Now that we are so freakin' close we now start thinking of a whole new realm of things we need, paper, pens, light bulbs, clip boards, towels, toilet paper, hair dryers, and every other little odd and end you could think of... I keep starting lists, but usually get distracted thinking of something else we need that doesn't fit on that list, maybe I should start multiple lists...Our Millwork has been installed, floor is going in tomorrow, recepetion desk on Saturday, and then all the light and plumbing fixtures...after that making it look nice and pretty (thank-you Shannon Smithers) we will be good to open...
I so wish I could give an actual day, but I couldn't stand letting you all down if I was off by a day or three. What I will say is the week of March the 5th should be very very exciting. I will absolutely make sure to make a big deal when we do nail down the date. Make sure you all keep posted!  We are having some really amazing intro specials...and not to spoil anything, but FREE may keep you checking back..:)
So that's where the studio is at. As per the Insomnia heading, Amber and I have moved to Westboro, and the place we live in, though so cute and grown up, they are building a restaurant downstairs, so we've been pleasantly woken every morning extremely early every morning to saws, hammers, guns and know the usual on a Monday morning at 6am :). As much as a little sleep in till say 9am would be nice, I guess we have to get used to these long ass days.
Ok, that's about it for now, I'll be posting the schedule in the next day or two, so keep checking back on so you can start marking your calender of weekly classes. We have some really cool classes, and some really Amazing teachers (how did we get so lucky) I can not wait to share with all of you...
Peace out for now.. :)

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